Strength Workout Program Template

Kafui squatting at the world powerlifting championships

Great for powerlifters or anyone looking to build strength with an emphasis on squat, bench and deadlifts.

  • Increase strength by strictly following the prescribed rpe (rate of perceived exertion).
  • Train smart by properly manage fatigue and work levels to optimize strength
  • Properly prepare to peak if you are entering a competition
  • Great for anyone looking to get stronger

This program will take 16 weeks. There will be a primary focus each day while also utilizing effective accessory exercises.

Get Stronger for only $20. click below to purchase.

16 Week Strength Program

Once you purchase you have access to a training dashboard and mobile app you are welcome to use. You can track your workouts create a schedule and manage and track your macro (food intake). An all in one training tool!

Once you login go the my files section to find your plan. If you don’t see it email Best practices are to download an excel app and fill in your numbers as your workout.

Do you want more hands on coaching? We also offer personalized strength coaching program and video analysis. If you are serious about taking your training to the next level coaching will be the best option as you will recieve personal plans catered towards you including video and movement analysis.

About Kafui:

Kafui is a World level powerlifter. He broke the IPF World record and currently holds the Canadian deadlift record for the 83kg weight class.
